Hello Pastor, Happy Mother’s Day

Regrettably, we are now living in an age of equality and technology where motherhood is declining and has become cheapened in many ways.

Nevertheless, your church may have celebrated Mother’s Day last week. A special time to honour our mothers for their love, care and sacrifices they have made for us.

Unfortunately, some may not have had the privilege of having their mother with them this Mother’s Day, or have hardly had memories of their mother in the past. But thankfully, some may have an individual in their life whom they could relate to as a mother because of their love and care towards them like a nursing mother. 

A Motherly Minister

Paul was such an individual in the life of the Thessalonians. Paul was a man with apostolic authority. He had his own ways of correcting the churches – he was harsh at times, when they went wrong. But at the same time, he is also a gentle, humble individual, like a nursing mother. 

Paul writes to the Thessalonians, “Nor did we seek glory from people, whether from you or from others, though we could have made demands as apostles of Christ. But we were gentle among you, like a nursing mother taking care of her own children.” 1 Thessalonians 2:6-7 

A quote that has been attributed to many people over the years says, 

“people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” 

The believers at Thessalonica too, didn’t care how much Paul knew, as much they knew how much he cared for them. He was gentle and caring towards them ever since they believed in the Gospel. 

Warren Wiersbe comments, “Chapter 1 of First Thessalonians introduced us to Paul the evangelist.  This chapter (chapter 2) introduces us to Paul the pastor.” A pastor who is not a detached professional but kind, loving, caring and like a nursing mother. And the Thessalonians would never disagree to that image of Paul. 

How Does Your Church Look at You?

Today, some churches may not have the same image of their pastors and leaders. Some church members could be prejudiced but many could be reasonable in thinking so of their leaders. 

How Can You Be A Motherly Minister?

You don’t have to be men-pleasers to be a mother to your congregation. 

What they need to see in you is that you care for them, have a genuine love for them, and are easily available for them. Being easily available doesn’t mean you just wait on their call and then quickly run. It means being there when they really need you, like a mother does. 

Our churches need not know the leader’s sea of knowledge, but bask in the warmth of leader’s love and care, like that of a nursing mother.

Thank God if you have been that ‘nursing-mother’ kind of leader to your church. But if not, it’s time to get motherly. Love them, care for them, be kind to them. Be a mother!

Happy Mother’s Day, Pastor!

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