One of the most discussed topics, especially in the Christian world, is the topic of leadership.
In India, we have tried very often to imitate the western church and its models of leaderships. Not only that, but we also have borrowed a lot from the secular world rather than having borrowed from the first-century-church and the teachings of the scriptures on leadership.
There are at least two types of leaders in the church – Sodal and Modal. While these terms are not used in the Bible, you will see that early church leadership clearly functioned in these two spheres of leadership. These two types are found throughout the book of Acts and the Epistles.
In the article “two major categories of leaders in the new testament church” we have seen these two types of leaders. We shall learn more about sodal leadership in the next article. In this article we shall see who modal leaders are and what they do.
Understanding Modality
Let’s understand what modality means. The word “modality” simply refers to the diocese and local parishes.1 Those who focus on the local expansion of the church are called modal leaders. However, though their focus is local, they participate in the global church expansion in different ways.
As modal leaders focus on the local church, bishops, overseers, elders, deacons, deaconesses, etc. fall in this sphere of leadership. A church without modal leaders is quite incomplete (Titus 1:5).
Ministry of Modality
The scriptures assign several responsibilities to modal leaders;
- Teaching the scriptures is a major responsibility of modal leaders. To be able to teach is a qualification too (Titus 1:9).
- Governing the church and its administrative works (Heb. 13:17).
- Guiding and disciplining church members (2 Thess. 3:16)
- Shepherding, caring for, and protecting the church from all sorts of false teachings (Acts 20:28-31).
- Making disciples (Titus 3:1 – 14).
- Training them for leadership and establishing the church in the faith (2 Tim. 2:2).
Modal leaders are also to encourage and equip the local body to be witnesses in their own communities, neighbourhoods, and workplaces, thus participating in the progress of the gospel locally. The Philippian church is an example. (Phil. 1:3 – 8).
They should also support the apostolic team (or sodal leaders) by means of praying for them, financial helps, and sending co-workers from local churches to further the progress of the gospel so that the church may grow globally (Phil. 2:25 – 30).
How Can You Help Build Modal Leaders?
Having known these truths of modal leadership in the church, here is what you can do practically to bless your local church and your ministries.
- As church leaders, ask God for wisdom to recognise the leaders with the call for modal leadership.
- Educate them in understanding their roles and responsibilities as modal leaders.
- Help your present team of modal leaders in seeing the two categories and their responsibilities in ministry.
- See how you and your church can collaborate with the sodal leadership teams for the furtherance of the gospel.
1 Reed, Jeff, Paradigm Papers, Church-Based Leadership – creating a new paradigm , pg. 310