Interpreting the Word – A Foremost Responsibility

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved by him, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly explaining the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15 NRSV – emphasis mine). 

The dangerous challenge we face today is interpreting the Word rightly. One of the most important works of a minister is to divide the word of truth rightly. What a colossal responsibility! 

Paul instructs Timothy to do his best and rightly handle the word of truth. Timothy had been well established and well instructed in the truth of the word and faith; Paul could trust Timothy with such an important responsibility.

The Sidetrack 

Right after the instruction, Paul gives Timothy examples of Hymenaeus and Philetus who had swerved from the truth (v17). They brought a disaster on the church by upsetting the faith of some families, all due to misinterpretations.

Matthew Henry, a well-known Bible commentator hence comments on Peter’s second letter, “Those who are not well-instructed and well-established in the truth are in great danger of perverting the word of God.” This is what exactly happened to Hymenaeus and Philetus. 

The Danger    

As a matter of fact, today we have huge cultural, geographical, religious and even linguistic gaps with the Bible. That makes interpretation all the more dangerous, and increases the risk of misinterpretation.

If we don’t have, and don’t train men like Timothy, who are well-instructed and well-established in the truth, who are working hard in bringing out the truths of the Scriptures and presenting them to the church wholesomely, the church will end up producing many Hymenaeuses and Philetuses. And unfortunately, the church may even naively keep accepting, following and promoting such men, consequently upsetting  the faith of many families.

 The Self-Check

Therefore, we as church leaders need to run some checks and examine ourselves as we minister to our churches and mentor our ‘leaders in making.’

  1. Concerning Ourselves 
  • Do we do the hard work of spending sufficient time and energy to study, and bring out the truth of the Scriptures, making it presentable for our churches?
  • Do we move beyond academics – a literal study of the Bible, and seek the mind, voice and guidance of the Holy Spirit as we interpret?
  • Do we evaluate for ourselves what went well, what was wrong, and what was challenging as we prepare and present the truth to our churches? 
  1. Concerning ‘leaders in the making’ 
  • How do you mentor them regularly regarding interpretation?
  • How do you instruct them and establish them in the truth of the Scriptures?
  • Do you help them cultivate disciplines regarding studying the Word and interpreting it?
  • Do you direct them to helpful resources that can help them build their skills and abilities for the work of interpretation? 
  • Do you have regular inputs for them so that they are encouraged and empowered to do the work of rightly handling the Word?

Let’s equip ourselves and our leaders for “rightly explaining the word of truth!”

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