Staying Qualified Through Family 

Whether you’re a pastor, an elder or a Christian minister, it’s pivotal to remain qualified to continue serving the Lord. 

He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God’s church?” 1 Timothy 3:4-5

The qualifications of overseers is one of the major themes of 1 Timothy. Paul instructs Timothy about the qualifications for ministers and ‘managing his own household well’ is one of them.

Ministers may quite often overlook this qualification, not when they start to minister, but as they continue. It is a portent. And history is witness to how failing this qualification affects the family, the church, and ministry at large. 


There is a perpetual temptation to focus more on ministry (or whatever works we do) and ignore family. Appreciation, image building, people pleasing, popularity, workaholism or at times material, financial gains; these are the real temptations that can lead to an unhealthy focus on ministry and neglect of family. We must overcome these temptations. But there are more. 

Sometimes we fail to perceive genuine ministry need and land up capitulating to our own undisciplined interests, urges, and impulses in the name of ministry, only to affect our family negatively, consequently affecting our ministries. 


That is not to nullify the need for sincere sacrifices in the ministry that are real. There may be times when we will have to call off our plans and times with our family. Sacrifice our sleep, schedules, and personal interests. Every now and then we will face it. It is often, if not always, a matter of choice. 


Balance is the key to living ministry life to the fullest. 

Remember, we have a God-given calling to serve, love and lead our family as we have one to serve, love, and lead our church/ministries. We should sacrifice whenever and wherever required, but not always at the cost of our family – it should not become a lifestyle.  

We must ask God for wisdom to discern genuine needs to sacrifice for ministry and also genuine needs to sacrifice for family. Learn to remain qualified in the ministry by balancing it well and managing household well.

Practical Guide

So how can we help ourselves? 

  1. Educate yourselves, leaders, and men in the church that managing the household is a priority (2 Tim 2:2). As leaders, only meeting financial needs doesn’t suffice but spiritual, emotional, and other aspects of family life is your responsibility too. 
  2. Introspect (Psalm 139:23-24) to ensure you manage your household well and thus remain qualified.
  3. Remain accountable. (Pro 27:17) Have mentors who will hold you accountable and help you when you seem to deviate from this qualification.
  4. Stay accountable. (Eph 5:21) Mentor your church and ministry leaders for the same. As a leader, do all that you can to help your co-leaders to remain qualified in ministry. 
  5. Ask God for wisdom. Wisdom (James 1:5) to make timely and prudent decisions to maintain balance. 

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