The Purpose of Church Discipline

In the previous blog article, we talked about church discipline. It is a divine mandate given to the church and the church can’t really grow and mature in the faith and holiness without discipline in her life. church discipline should be executed with the knowledge of its biblical purpose. In this article we shall look into the purpose of church discipline. 

Restoration of the Individual

Though the discipline is about correcting sin and the sinner, the purpose is not excommunication of the individual but restoration. Discipline must be done with love, which will always seek restoration and reconciliation. But that doesn’t mean compromise with the scriptures and holiness of Christ. 

Therefore, discipline should not be carried out with the intention to punish or excommunicate an individual, but with the motive to restore them back to the faith and holiness. 

Healing of the Church Family 

When we think of church discipline, we often think of individuals only. But the biggest context is the concern for the whole church and not just for an individual because we are, together, the body of Christ.

Dean S. Gilliland, a missionary and professor, says, “The purpose of discipline, therefore, is to bring both restoration of the errant person and healing to the entire fellowship. It is just as important to focus on the group as it is on the individual. The tendency to judge the individual alone violates the principle of the oneness of the body of Christ.”

Therefore, the purpose of church discipline is also to bring healing to the local church family that has been affected by the matter.

A Means of Teaching 

Discipline is also a means to teach about the issue at hand both to the individual and the local church family. It might be a reminder of the gospel, reminder of biblical teachings, and a call to live the Christian faith appropriately since we have a standard to live by as believers in Christ. 

As we administer the discipline, it teaches both the ones in fault and also the whole local church community. 


  • We need to develop the conviction. Conviction that church discipline is a need of the hour and  should be practiced if we are to establish our churches in the faith.
  • Take church discipline seriously because it will help the church grow and sanctify it. It will also make church take the teachings that come from pulpit seriously. 
  • When you administer church discipline, make sure your prior intention is to restore the brother. It should be done out of love, care, and concern for the individual and not to condemn or judge them.
  • It’s important to take the whole church – the local community – in consideration when administering discipline. Because it’s not about that individual only, but about the whole body of Christ. 

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