Religion In Deed During Covid-19

COVID-19 has had various, severe impacts on personal, familial, social, and work life. 

For some of us, Covid has brought tragedy and an unexpected phase of life that we never ever imagined before. For some may have lost a parent, a child, a spouse and a dear one and still others their job, the only income source. 

How heart-rending are these predicaments!  

An Issue Indeed 

The deeper issue for us today is truly living our faith in such atrocious times. You may think I am talking about Bible reading, prayer, fellowship etc. No, I am not! 

Neither am I talking about how the pandemic has taken away our Good Friday and Eater celebrations nor the presently missing church activities. I am talking about something more than that. 

Religion ‘In Deed’  

I am talking about what James says in his letter, “External religious worship … that is pure and unblemished in the sight of God the Father is this: to visit and help and care for the orphans and widows in their affliction and need,…” (James 1:27 AMPC). 

Apostle John adds, “But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” (1 John 3:17-18)

That’s the point – living our faith ‘in deeds’ and ‘indeed’ amidst the pandemic.

We have learnt so much and traveled so far in our prayer meetings and bible studies. But now, we are in such times where we need to leverage our resources in order to truly live out our pure religion. We may not have all the resources. Nobody has everything but everybody has something.

How can You and Your Church Practice Pure Religion?

As church leaders we need to –

  • Be an example for our people to follow by doing whatever we can in this situation.
  • Encourage our church members to serve in whatever ways they can.
  • Help widows among us who have no or very little source of income. 
  • Care for orphans, especially who lost their parents to COVID-19.
  • Help students in financial need for finishing or continuing their studies.
  • Comfort and support those who have lost their dear ones.
  • Volunteer with other organizations who serve in the pandemic with whatever capacities and resources you have. 
  • Connect those with resources to those in need.
  • Give our finances, talents, gifts, time and even listening ears as required.

Many NGOs, organizations, groups and individuals are extending helping hands to the needy and victims of the pandemic. Many churches have practically come out and served the community around them and beyond in various ways. 

I heard a story of an individual who sold his gold and provided food for COVID-19 patients and care-takers. Right now, it’s high time to practice pure religion as the Bible teaches us to do.

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