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The Right Way of Doing Church Discipline 

Church discipline is a difficult thing to administer. Our individualistic mindset and the desire for freedom make church discipline a difficult matter. But the scriptures call on us to practice church discipline no matter in what church, culture or times we may live in. 

Knowing about church discipline and its purpose doesn’t suffice. Because the Bible teaches about the process of church discipline too. In Matthew 18:15 – 17, Jesus talks about reproving a sinning brother and presents a process of church discipline too. 

First Step – A Private Confrontation 

Verse 15 says, “If another member of the church sins against you, go and point out the fault when the two of you are alone.”

When one is sinned against and seeks healing and restoration, it has to begin with a private confrontation and conversation between the two. Personal talk is the first step and, often, problems get sorted out here. God will very often bring the restoration and healing right in the first step. And it is the best way to begin, because Jesus himself gives us this wisdom. 

Sometimes, matters will not be resolved there. Then Jesus reveals the next step.

 Second Step – With the Witnesses/ With the leaders

Next, Jesus instructs to take one or two others to confront that brother. Who should these one or two be? They could be mature brothers, friends in the church who can be trusted to handle the issue wisely. Or, they could be church elders who get involve in the matter at this point of time. Here, the erring brother is expected to accept his sin and be repentant. But if he doesn’t listen to them and is not repentant, then we should move to the next step.

Third Step – With the Whole Church

Verse 17a says, “If the member refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church”

Now the matter gets bigger and the whole church is involved. Who is this church? It is the local church community of which they are members. Now the matter is brought to the church and explained. It’s the final place where repentance and restoration are expected. But if not, here is the next step.

Fourth Step – The Excommunication 

The last step, if the brother doesn’t listen to the church and is not repentant, is excommunication. The church, hereafter, will not affirm his profession of faith and will stop counting him as one of them. 

Excommunication doesn’t mean a complete relational disconnection, though. Rather, now he needs the gospel more than ever. He should be related to as ‘gentile or tax collector’ but with the intent to win him to Christ. Because the purpose of discipline is not to lose him forever but primarily to love him enough to restore him. 

Therefore, understand and follow the process of church discipline.

Don’t lose even one due to wrong ways of disciplining. Do not execute discipline out of wrong motives, but out of love. 

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